Pregnant restaurant server receives $900 tip
PHOENIX – A pregnant restaurant server and bartender received a more than generous tip from a customer earlier this month - $900.
Sarah Clark told CNN that the tip is a huge help as she is nine months pregnant and will not get any paid time off. Her fiancé will also be temporarily out of work due to knee surgery.
"I couldn't believe what I was looking at at first because it was such a high amount," Clark said.
Clark said that the woman who left the tip had been in the restaurant before and talked with her several times as she is also pregnant.
"Me being on maternity leave and him being out of work, we're not going to be making any income. So this is really going to help with rent and other bills and things like that," she said.
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In addition to the generous tip, the woman also left Clark a note that read" "This is God's money- he gave it to us so we could give it to you. God Bless."