'Tornado of poop': Homes ruined after raw sewage erupts from toilets
MELROSE, Mass. - Residents in an east coast neighborhood were forced to pack up and leave after an underground blockage caused raw sewage to spew uncontrollably out of toilets in four homes.
WHDH reports city workers in Melrose, Massachusetts were called to the reported blockage Thursday morning. They say the main sewer line was blocked, backing up the entire system.
Bathrooms in four separate homes were turned into what appeared to be something out of a horror film as feces and other sewage erupted from their toilets without warning.
“It was a crazy scene. It literally just spun and flowed out,” Siliva Ortiz told WHDH. “A tornado of poop started forming and started spewing out."
SEWAGE BACKUP: People who live on Brazil St in Melrose say the DPW overpresurrized a blocked line which caused sewage to back up in to their homes. The residents say they have to shell out $ for cleanup until insurance covers. One resident caught it all on camera. @7News pic.twitter.com/e3kVWYZH7X
— Alex DiPrato (@AlexDiPrato) June 21, 2019
The newly-married Ortiz found her wedding dress soaked in sewage. She says it will likely take weeks to clean and repair her home.
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“It destroyed everything. All of the floors, all the walls need to come out,” she said. “The whole bathroom has to be gutted.”
The city has since repaired the system, but the cause of the blockage has yet to be determined.