Sunday PM Forecast: Increasing Clouds Overnight - The Warmth Continues
Clouds will be on the increase tonight as moisture funnels in from the south.
Tonight & Tomorrow: A clear end to a warm, beautiful Sunday, but all good things eventually come to an end. Clouds will be on the increase tonight as the winds turn from the south and transport abundant moisture over the region. Look for mostly cloudy conditions overnight with a few possible showers before daybreak.
Up Next: Monday morning begins with cloudy skies and possibly a few sporadic showers as moisture increases throughout the morning hours. Another quick warm up will see temperatures hit 80 degrees by afternoon as the threat for slight showers continues through the day. The week will continue to be warm with a small chance for showers each and every day through the weekend. Click here to see the 7-day forecast.
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Early Heads up:
Checking out the Climate Prediction Center's 8-14 day outlook. Cooler temperatures will be setting in across the area as our next cold front pushes through the area. Temperatures will likely be below average by mid-March.