Mystery of NOLA Charity Hospital 'Christmas tree' solved
NEW ORLEANS - A social media firestorm ignited after photos surfaced of what appears to be a light coming from the abandoned Charity Hospital in New Orleans.
A viewer of WWL-TV, Mike Arbon, shared pictures with the station of what he said looked like a small bright Christmas tree placed in a window.
A spokesperson from the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center says university police have investigated the sighting and found some 2x4's wrapped in Christmas lights. While this solves the mystery of the Charity Hospital "Christmas tree," it doesn't clear up who put it there in the first place.
LSU Health Sciences Center's Lisa Capo says they're treating the incident as a break-in.
Arbon said the pictures were taken Monday night during his shift at Tulane Medical Center. The man said he saw other people post pictures of the light on social media, and he wanted to see it for himself.
"It's really pretty and little creepy," Arbon told WWL-TV. "It gave me chills when I saw it and, of course, made me think of my brother, who passed away at Charity Hospital.”
Charity Hospital closed after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and hasn’t been reopened since.