Pat Shingleton: "Remembering the Date..."
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Everything is “greening-up,” from golf courses to lawns and even the budding trees. On this date in 1977 I boarded a plane in Kansas City en route to Baton Rouge for the first time. The runways were plowed earlier that morning, piled to the sides of the tarmac. Arriving in Baton Rouge, I was greeted by Carlton Creemens, blue skies and a temperature in the 60s. During our journey into Baton Rouge I thoroughly enjoyed noticing the “green” along the Interstate, further enhanced around City Park Lake. After visiting with the station manager, Tommie Gibbens, our next stop was on Highland Road, where Carlton ordered lunch. Mike Anderson delivered a tray of food that looked like “bait.” Carleton had an excellent eye for television talent. Great memories.