LSU students face unenrollment if they don't comply with COVID-19 requirements
BATON ROUGE - On Thursday, LSU's Student Union was filled with students who were in a rush to get a COVID-19 test or vaccine.
The university said they all have until Friday to either comply with the university's COVID-19 protocols or be kicked out of school.
"I'm definitely hurrying to get vaccinated because I could face unenrollment," student Alex Kershaw said.
Students are required to either show proof of vaccination, a negative COVID test result, or opt in for regular testing prior to arriving on campus. LSU says those who do not follow these requirements by the Sept. 10 deadline will be unenrolled and will receive a prorated refund of tuition.
"They say we have an option, but if we don't we face unenrollment. It's kind of forcing it on people," Kershaw said.
"It was a little scary, because I wouldn't know what to do if I did get unenrolled," said Kyla Vallejo, another student.
Students who have not shared their status with the school were notified Wednesday.
Some expressed their frustration with the requirement.
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"I mean I enjoy LSU and I want to stay at the school, but you're kind of forcing these situations," Shane Grant said.
"I think they should have extended the deadline, because after the hurricane I just kind of forgot about it," Vallejo said.
Others students spoke in favor of the requirements.
"I'd rather have in-person classes than online. Hopefully this will keep classes in-person and everything will be much better," student Jack Hosford said.
WBRZ has asked for the number of students facing unenrollment for not being in compliance. The university hasn't provided that information as of Thursday evening.
When the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine, LSU said students must report proof of their first shot by Friday and be fully vaccinated by Oct. 15. Those with a legitimate religious or health reason for not having the vaccine must request an exemption online.