Driving instructor and students donate truck load of supplies to EBRSO deputies
BATON ROUGE – The East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office got a special delivery on Tuesday from New Jersey. Joe Autera and his team of good Samaritans drove a truck load of supplies from New Jersey all the way to Baton Rouge to help out deputies who were impacted by the flood.
"We just felt that we should do something to help," Autera said.
Autera said that it took them 30 hours to drive the truck of supplies.
"Last Monday at 12 o'clock this truck was empty," Autera said.
The truck is actually a trailer for race cars. Autera is a driving instructor at Vehicle Dynamics Institute and his students offered to help.
"People just stepped up and gave what they could, and that's important," Autera said.
Just four years ago, Hurricane Sandy ravaged Autera's home state and people from all over came to help. Now he is returning the favor to deputies.
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"We looked at it and said, 'What would we be doing?' We would be out helping others," Autera said.
Many of the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's deputies had their homes damaged during the recent flood. According to the department, 175 deputies have been displaced as a result. They say they are grateful for Autera and his students' help.
"It's small... no its not small its big. It's big," Autera said.