DEA reschedules upcoming National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
The Drug Enforcement Agency typically holds its National Prescription Drug Take Back Day twice a year, but due to the pandemic, the federally funded agency is rescheduling its April 25 Take Back Day events and encouraging citizens to participate in the Secure Your Meds campaign in the meantime.
This campaign simply involves cleaning out one's medicine cabinet in preparation for Take Back Day events.
According to the DEA, the U.S. is plagued with alarming rates of prescription drug abuse and similarly high percentages of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs.
Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet.
It's because of these issues that events such as Prescription Drug Take Back Day have been established.
Once the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lifts restrictions, the DEA will reschedule Take Back Day.
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More information on the Secure Your Meds campaign and Take Back Day can be found at: