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State's only French-culture promoting televised program faced possibility of losing funding until public stepped in

9 months 1 day 4 hours ago Tuesday, June 04 2024 Jun 4, 2024 June 04, 2024 7:40 PM June 04, 2024 in News
Source: WBRZ

BATON ROUGE - The producers of two French language programs that air around the state credit public pressure with the legislature's decision to restore its funding in next year's budget after their backing dollars were cut.

Télé-Louisiane creates a children's cartoon and a news feature broadcast that are distributed around the state on public broadcasting and can be used by teachers in French instruction.

Upon learning a draft of the state budget eliminated Tele-Louisiane's funding, founders took to social media to urge viewers to let lawmakers know how important the shows are for lovers of French and Cajun culture. Co-founder Drake Leblanc says it worked.

The funds were restored to the program after a Senate vote on Monday.

However, the program is facing a $50,000 budget cut, according to Leblanc.

"We did get a slight decrease, but we're confident we're gonna make it work," Leblanc said. "Whatever we're missing from the state, we'll make up for it from somewhere else."

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