State representative proposes another roundabout for Livingston Parish
LIVINGSTON PARISH - Traffic circles, the new wave in traffic control, allow cars to pass through intersections without having to stop.
Livingston Parish has eight of them. Six more have been proposed, and one more has recently been added to that list.
"It's horrible. It gets pretty bad, especially in the evening," driver Ashleah Desale said.
Desale is talking about the intersection of Highway 447 and Highway 1025 just north of Walker.
"It's a lot of traffic, especially in the mornings and the evenings," driver Tessie Adams said.
State Representative Valarie Hodges wants to put a new traffic circle here. She says the area is growing so quickly that DOTD has not kept up with that growth.
"Traffic is terrible, terrible. You can wait 15 minutes waiting to get through the stop sign," homeowner Jimmy Hollowell said.
Hollowell has lived near the intersection for more than 20 years.
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"This used to be a road where you didn't see a car more than three or four or five times a morning. Out here, now it's a line of traffic."
"I definitely don't want a roundabout. I think a roundabout would be a horrible idea," Desale said.
"With the amount of big truck traffic, it would be a bad idea. It'll be more wrecks, more harm than good," Adams said.
Homeowner Hollowell has pushed for a traffic light at the intersection.
"We've asked for a traffic light right there at that thing for 10 years with a turn lane," Hollowell said.
Representative Hodges has added the Highway 447 and Highway 1025 roundabout to a proposed bill which, if passed, would require DOTD to take action at the busy intersection.