City Court open for Saturday session
BATON ROUGE- In a rare move, the city of Baton Rouge will be holding court on a Saturday.
Court will be held October 28 from 8 a.m. until noon.
On Saturday people can:
-Pay any fines in whole or in part by pleading guilty or no contest
-Reset court dates even if the date has already passed
-Have a case heard and adjudicated by pleading not guilty
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-Get assistance with a matter from the presiding judge, prosecutors and public defenders
-Have a bench warrant recalled
If tickets were issued by the Baton Rouge Police Department, they can be picked up at the at 233 St. Louis Street.
Cellphones are not allowed in court.
Tickets written by other law enforcement agencies such as the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana State Police, LSU Police or Southern University Police, are handled by the 19th Judicial District Court and will not be handled during this time.