Apartment won't void LSU students lease after break-ins
BATON ROUGE- Twice in September, a thief snuck into an apartment while four women slept, stealing possessions and making off with two vehicles, according to the women's parents. The women, all LSU students, want to move out of the Sterling Burbank apartment complex located just south of campus. However, parents say management won't let them out of the lease.
"We're leaving, they can sue us, " said Angela LeBlanc, whose daughter's vehicle was stolen Sunday night. LeBlanc was joined this week by Suzanne Roy, the mother of another woman living in the apartment.
Roy said her daughter's vehicle was also stolen two weeks earlier.
"They make it sound like it's a safe place but it's not," she said.
Late Tuesday night, LeBlanc told News 2 both vehicles were recovered earlier in the day from a Tigerland apartment complex. She commended Baton Rouge police for their efforts.
Both mothers, who are from the New Orleans area, say they moved their daughters into the apartment for the school year. The apartment suite is made up of four bedrooms all connected to a central living room and kitchen.
They say, according to their daughters, on both nights they were robbed, all four roommates were in their bedrooms with the front and back doors of the suite securely locked.
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"They were literally three steps from my daughter's bed," Roy said.
In a statement, a spokesperson for the Sterling Burbank Apartments said:
"This is an open investigation with the Baton Rouge police department and facts are still being gathered. We continue to meet with local law enforcement to address any modifications we can make in response to the alleged incident. At Sterling Burbank, our residents remain the top priority and we will continue to focus on providing the best living experience."