Two men & teen ticketed for killing black bear, dumping carcass near Mississippi River
ST. FRANCISVILLE - Three people were ticketed for trying to hide a dead bear after a teenager shot it while hunting.
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries said one of the men involved, Robert Salts II, was hunting with his 15-year-old son on Nov. 5 when the boy shot at the silhouette of an animal.
After the Salts realized they killed a black bear, he contacted the owner of the property where they were hunting, 24-year-old Justin Olano. The group then decided to load up the bear and dump it in a creek off Cat Island Road.
Agents found the bear's carcass while investigating the incident this week.
"Hunters are advised to always identify their targets before pulling the trigger for any wildlife they may be hunting," The agency said in a news release. "Some Louisiana Black Bears are part of a long-term monitoring program that provides researchers with information on black bear populations, productivity and population viability in the state of Louisiana."
Taking a bear during a closed season can mean a fine up to $950 and up to 120 days in jail. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor can bring a fine up to $500 and six months in jail.
Olano and Salts could also have to pay up to $10,000 in civil restitution.