LSP: Prairieville man found after going missing
UPDATE - The Louisiana State Police has canceled the Silver Alert for Allen “Pete” Hoover. He has been located and is safe. Any further inquiries should be directed to the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office.
PRAIRIEVILLE, LA -A Silver Alert has been issued on behalf of the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office and is requesting assistance in locating Allen “Pete” Hoover.
He was last seen at approximately 5:30 pm on June 5, 2020, on LA Hwy 42 in the Muddy Creek area driving a gray 2011 Ford Ranger bearing Louisiana license plate of Y031132. The right rear tail light on his vehicle is broken. There is also a “Back the Blue” sticker displayed on the rear windshield.
Allen “Pete” Hoover is a 69-year-old white male. He has gray hair, is approximately 6’1” and weighs about 125 pounds.
Family members confirm Mr. Hoover suffers from a medical condition that may impair his judgment.
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Anyone with information as to the whereabouts of Allen “Pete” Hoover should immediately contact the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office at 225-621-8300