Cara's House seeking foster families for 'holiday sleepovers'
SORRENTO - Cara's House, the primary animal shelter serving Ascension Parish, is seeking families to host homeless pets over Thanksgiving weekend.
The holiday "sleepover" is meant to ease the strain on the facility while providing a more welcoming environment for animals in need.
"This program gives pets a break from the shelter environment and the opportunity to spend the holidays in a loving foster home," Cara's House said in a social media post. "Foster homes give the shelter great insight into the animal's behavior and get some cute photos to help showcase their true personalities."
The shelter will provide all supplies, including a crate, to host families.
Hours of operation on Saturday are 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Pickup for the Thanksgiving Sleepover is set for Tuesday, with the return of the animals set for Nov. 28.
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Interest parties can email the shelter at: