Ascension Public Schools to hold public forum for school construction bond election
Trending News
DONALDSONVILLE - Ascension Public Schools will hold public forums for the next two weeks about the April 9 school construction bond election.
In April, the Ascension Parish School Board will ask voters to extend an existing 15.08 millage to fund school construction projects such as building three new primary schools, a new middle school and site planning for a future high school. Also, there will be several renovation projects, security upgrades and outdoor covered play areas built at primary schools.
The public forum originally scheduled for Monday, Mar. 14 will be held Wednesday, Mar. 16 at Dutchtown High School Gym, at 6 p.m. and the Monday, Mar. 21 forum will be held at East Ascension High School Cafeteria at 6 p.m.
For more information about the bond election visit here.