St. Patrick's Day morning forecast
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Top of the morning! Definitely warmer today, but still cool in the morning. Highs in the mid 70s. Mostly clear overnight with lows in the upper 50s. Great weather for the Wearin' of the Green Parade tomorrow!
The winds are shifting and the Gulf of Mexico is opening up. It will deliver some warm air and a bit more humidity today and through the weekend. Overall, things will be fairly seasonable this weekend. As we head into next week though, we knock on spring's door and we start to return to the 80s. As far as rain is concerned, a weak front does approach us Saturday evening, but we won't see much more than a few more clouds likely. We would see a sprinkle come through on Wednesday as well, but overall, no significant rainfall is expected. We are abnormally dry at the moment according to the latest drought monitor. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
On Facebook: Meteorologist Robert Gauthreaux III
On Twitter: @RG3wbrz
En Español: Meteorólogo Roberto Gauthreaux III
In American Sign Langauge: Meteorologist Robert Gauthreaux III - ASL