Episcopal investigating alleged sexual assault involving employee, former student
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BATON ROUGE - Episcopal School of Baton Rouge released a statement regarding an alleged sexual assault involving an employee and former student.
According to the statement, law enforcement, along with a special board appointed by the school, are separately investigating the incident that reportedly took place several years ago.
Read the full statement below:
"Episcopal has been informed very recently of an allegation of sexual assault concerning an employee
and a former student. Steps began promptly and are continuing to ensure the accused will not be on
campus pending an investigation, and Episcopal has pledged its full cooperation with the authorities.
The incident is alleged to have occurred several years ago. An active investigation by law
enforcement is underway and, as a result, the Board of Trustees and the school have been requested
not to discuss details of the allegation at this time.
A special committee appointed by the Board has retained independent counsel to fully investigate
this matter. The investigation will begin immediately in search for information about this allegation
and any other allegation of sexual assault on a student or former student by an employee. The Board
and the school want to know of any other allegations of this nature that may come to light. Details
of how to convey any such information will be forthcoming. Episcopal's Board and administration
have great empathy for victims of sexual assault and recognize the bravery required to come forward
with allegations of this nature.
Current members of the Board and leaders of the school know of no other allegations of this type in
the school's 50-year history. Episcopal screens employees prior to hiring, utilizes fingerprint
background checks, trains teachers in "Safeguarding God's Children" (a denominational program
required by the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Louisiana), has a thorough policy on sexual
assault, and employs an ongoing program of training teachers to be alert to indicators of sexual
misconduct of all types.
Episcopal is committed to the personal safety, health and well-being of each student entrusted to its
care. The Episcopal administration stands ready to support any student or parent with concerns
related to this alleged incident; additionally, four full-time counselors and a Chaplain are on staff and
available to provide ongoing support and age appropriate counseling."