City of Gonzales prepares for heavy rainfall this weekend
GONZALES - City public works crews spent Friday morning cleaning out drainage ditches in flood-prone neighborhoods in Gonzales.
"I was thinking my tax dollars are at work it's good to see," Joseph Cagnolatti said.
Cagnolatti owns a home on East Oak Alley Street, where public works department employees cleared out ditches and culverts, preparing for rain this weekend.
"Everyone's got high hopes that improvement in the ditch on the other side of the road will do my neighbors across the street a lot of good, but we won't know until we get a lot of rain," Cagnolatti said.
His neighborhood was hit by flash flooding last month, with water getting into some of the homes.
"We're very concerned about this weekend, " Carl Stumpe said.
Stumpe also owns a home on Oak Alley.
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"Every time we have a big rain, we're looking out of the window, seeing how far it creeps up," Stumpe said.
The homeowner says clearing out drainage ditches and culvert will help, but more extensive work needs to be done to prevent his neighborhood from taking on too much water.
"Everything goes downhill from here and what's happening, the water is just not clearing out fast enough. I think they need to get a hydrologist or some type of study here to understand what the problem is," Stumpe said.
City crews are on standby this weekend, ready to respond in case flash flooding hits the city.