Shelter at Home finishing on time and in budget
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BATON ROUGE- Governor John Bel Edwards wanted his flood program wrapped up by Christmas and it looks like it's going to happen. As of Thursday, about 10,500 houses have received temporary repairs in the Shelter at Home program with a few hundred still left to be done.
"A lot of those are the more complicated cases that have taken more time to iron out the details," said Mike Steele with the Governor's Office of Homeland Security.
As the program wraps up, contractors are getting paid. According to their invoices obtained by News 2, the program has stayed on budget.
$15,000 is the most that could be spent on a house and contractors will not be paid if their work doesn't pass inspection. So even if shoddy work is redone, contractors only get paid for the time they do it right. The invoices show some houses came in over budget but just slightly.