Baton Rouge seeing huge spike in domestic violence homicides this year, police say
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BATON ROUGE, LA - According to the Baton Rouge Chief of Police, homicides linked to domestic violence are up 700 percent compared to last year.
The overnight shooting of a 2-year-old child highlights how the issue has gotten out of hand, and authorities are calling on the public to assist in putting a stop to it.
"Violence is a socioeconomic issue, and the police cannot handle it without the help of the community," Chief Murphy Paul said.
The District Attorney's office is working in conjunction with other forces in the community to develop a response to domestic and dating violence, which will be announced later this month.
The mayor earlier today made a statement addressing the community, urging those who know someone suffering from abuse to "speak up and speak out."
For help getting out of a dangerous domestic violence-related situation, resources are listed below:
- Family Services of Greater Baton Rouge