Vigil held for boy shot, killed in Marksville
MARKSVILLE - A few dozen people gathered for a memorial service Thursday to remember Jeremy Mardis.
Mardis, 6, was killed in gunfire State Police have said was fired by two part time marshals in Avoyelles Parish. The child's father, Chris Few, was also shot and survived. Few was released from a hospital Wednesday.
Investigators charged the marshals with murder and attempted murder. Derrick Stafford and Norris Greenhouse, Jr., remain jailed on a $1 million bond. The family of Greenhouse hoped to post a property bond Thursday to get him released but were not able to do so due to a law that forbids lawyers from posting bonds. Greenhouse, Sr., is a lawyer.
Thursday night at the vigil, people gathered in prayer. They lighted candles in balloons and let them float into the air.
Though, the grief was strong. At one point, a family member scuffled with a photographer photographic the event for publication.
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